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Lavender Dried


Lavender Bridal Bouquet


Lavender Dried


Immerse yourself in the soothing allure of dried Lavender, with its fragrant purple blossoms and delicate charm, adding a touch of relaxation and elegance to floral creations.

Lavender Bridal Bouquet


A hand tied bridal bouquet, with pale purple roses, dried lavender. Tied with a white satin ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox 10 inch wide. 

Indulge in the tranquil essence of our dried Lavender! Sourced from the sun-kissed fields of the Mediterranean, dried Lavender captivates with its soothing scent and delicate blooms. This timeless herb is revered for its calming properties, making it a popular choice for crafting potpourri, sachets, and decorative accents. Whether used in weddings, home decor, or aromatherapy, dried Lavender adds a touch of natural elegance to any setting. Bunches Direct ensures the highest quality by directly sourcing bulk dried Lavender from reputable suppliers, offering Canada-wide delivery for your convenience. Immerse yourself in the gentle allure of dried Lavender and experience its calming embrace.